IT Operations

Easy access requests

Automate IT busywork across onboarding, offboarding and self-service requests.

automated IT tickets
TTR reduction
30 days
25% automated IT tickets
99.6% TTR reduction
30 days deployment

“Self-service evolved our team. In less than 30 days, we rolled out to 2500 employees.”

Patrick Achuff, Staff IT Systems Administrator at Chegg

Trigger joiner-mover-leaver workflows to the entitlement

Ensure employees have the right access — instantly. Systematize onboarding, mover and offboarding workflows by provisioning to groups, roles, and entitlements. Manual tasks? Don’t worry, we’ll orchestrate those, too.

Enable employees to request access, wherever they are

Create a great omni-channel support experience for employees that seamlessly works with your current systems. Introduce self-service that accommodates all users via a Web AppStore, CLI, Slack or Teams, and even in your ITSM.

Optimize your ITSM workflows from approvals to provisioning

Eliminate all manual work related to maintaining your ITSM processes. Let Lumos deflect access request tickets through AI, manage multi-step approval workflows and provision access down to the entitlement.

Remove licenses on auto-pilot

Forget about manually downloading user lists because you ran out of licenses or need to prepare for a renewal. Automatically reclaim licenses based on granular usage data & AI-based role anomaly detection.

“My team can sleep easily knowing that the proper processes are being followed. Our employees love using Lumos.”

Brian McGuiness, Vice President, Engineering and IT Operations – Chegg
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