
Reduce identity risks

View all access, down to the entitlement. Mitigate the sprawl of admin accounts.

privileged access reduced.
access tickets automated.
4 min
avg. ticket time-to-resolution.
67% privileged access reduced.
>90% access tickets automated.
4 min

“Reducing the threat surface area was top of mind for our IT team.”

Christian Wimpelmann, Manager, Identity and Access Management @Code42

Know who has access to what and why – on demand

Remove any access blindspots and visualize granular resource entitlements across your cloud and on-prem environments for all identities - humans, machines and local users.

Prevent compromised admin users in the first place

Reduce the blast radius of a security breach by keeping admin access to an absolute minimum through just-in-time access.

Find and remediate the most critical access vulnerabilities

Clear through the noise with AI-powered security insights to spot and address role anomalies, unapproved privileged access and terminated users with active accounts.

Manage complex access policies through code

Eliminate human errors and roll back misconfigurations by managing your access policies through Terraform. Move past point-and-click solutions by building on top of Lumos through our simple and well-documented API.

“We were able to deploy time-based access for our most critical applications, ensuring employees got the right level of access for limited time.”

Christian Wimpelmann, Manager, Identity and Access Management @Code42
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