ITSM Automation

Survive the busywork

Automate up to 50% of your IT support tickets through a self-service AppStore.

of IT tickets automated.
reduction in ticket time-to-resolution.
30 days
time to value.
25% automated IT tickets
99.6% TTR reduction
<30 days deployment

"Lumos has addressed at least 25% of our overall ticket volume for the past eight months—with very little human interaction."

Patrick Achuff, Staff IT Systems Administrator @Chegg

Unify and automate access requests and approvals

Let Lumos store the complexity of your approval matrices and provisioning workflows. Enable employees to safely request and access tools right when they need them.

Cut down on TTR through an omni-channel experience

Integrate Lumos seamlessly into your tech stack. Allow users to request apps and collaborate within their tools of preference - Slack, Teams, CLI, and ITSM systems.

Leverage AI-driven insights through ITSM integrations

Enable Lumos to pull insights into who has requested, approved, and granted access through your ITSM. Auto-deflect access tickets with AI to ensure all requests go through Lumos Workflows.

Set the right controls to enforce least privilege by default

Grant access for limited time and automatically remove it when it’s no longer needed. Create pre-approval rules for sensitive access based on on-call schedules and other emergency use-cases.

Enhance your CMDB with more complete data

Pull data about vendors, apps, access, and usage directly from Lumos into your CMDB via our simple APIs and robust developer documentation.

“I’ve been working in this space for 15 years. Finding an IGA platform that handles access requests with great UX is rare. ”

Christian Wimpelmann, Manager, Identity and Access Management @Code42
Fill out the form now and get a free live demo with the Lumos Team.