Shadow IT
Erin Geiger, Director of Content at Lumos

What Does Shadow IT Do?

Explore the risks and drawbacks of Shadow IT, including data breaches, compliance violations, and operational inefficiencies, and learn how to effectively manage unauthorized tools in your organization.

Shadow IT is like the unexpected guest who shows up at the party—it’s there, it's active, but it wasn’t officially invited. For IT and security leaders, shadow IT represents the use of unauthorized software, tools, or services by employees, often to enhance productivity or bypass what they see as slow or cumbersome official processes. But while it might seem harmless on the surface, shadow IT in cybersecurity poses serious risks, from data breaches and compliance violations to increased vulnerability to cyberattacks. That’s why strong shadow IT management is crucial—it sets the ground rules, educates employees on acceptable practices, and helps mitigate these risks. Understanding the drawbacks and risks of shadow IT is essential for developing strategies to control its use, protect sensitive data, and maintain a secure organizational environment.

What Does Shadow IT Do?

Shadow IT is like the office gremlin you never see but constantly feel the effects of. It’s all those unauthorized apps, devices, and services your employees use without the blessing (or even the knowledge) of the IT department. By 2027, 75% of employees will be using, modifying, or developing technology without IT's oversight — a significant increase from 41% in 2022. Think of personal Dropbox accounts storing sensitive files, Slack channels buzzing outside your secured environment, or that free, unapproved project management app that seemed like a good idea at 3 a.m. These are all prime shadow IT examples.

What does shadow IT do? Well, it breaks things — like security policies, compliance requirements, and, occasionally, your IT team’s will to live. These shadow IT tools bypass the usual vetting process, potentially exposing your organization to data breaches, malware, or simply the chaos of fragmented communication and data silos. On the flip side, they’re often adopted because they offer flexibility and speed that official channels might lack.

To manage shadow IT, you first have to understand why it happens. Employees often turn to these unofficial solutions because they’re more user-friendly, efficient, or simply quicker to access than the official ones. Your job, then, isn't just to shut these tools down but to understand the gaps they’re filling. Turn your team into shadow IT detectives, not just hunters — uncover the root needs and work to integrate secure, compliant tools that deliver the same ease and efficiency. And remember: where there’s shadow, there’s light — you just need to shine it in the right places.

What is the Purpose of Shadow IT Policy?

A shadow IT policy isn’t just another document to check off the list; it's your front line of defense against the growing monster under the IT bed. The main goal? To manage the use of unauthorized apps, tools, and services — or shadow IT software — employees often bring into your organization without proper vetting. These tools might seem harmless, but they open the door to shadow IT risks like data breaches, compliance violations, and security vulnerabilities.

So, what’s the point of a shadow IT policy? Think of it as a roadmap to visibility and control. It outlines the dos and don’ts of tech use in your organization, setting clear boundaries on which software and tools are approved and which are off-limits. But it also goes beyond the “thou shalt nots” by explaining the risks involved, from potential data loss to the legal ramifications of a breach. It's about making employees aware of the dangers lurking in the shadows of unsanctioned apps and fostering a culture of security mindfulness.

A good shadow IT policy is not about stifling innovation or turning IT into the bad cop; it’s about striking a balance. It provides guidelines that help your team adopt new technologies safely and securely, giving them the flexibility to work effectively while protecting the organization’s assets. By understanding and managing shadow IT, you turn a potential threat into an opportunity to strengthen your organization’s security posture.

What Are the Drawbacks of Shadow IT?

Shadow IT is a double-edged sword — it promises agility and quick fixes but often delivers a whole lot of headaches. Let's talk about the dark side of those unofficial apps and services lurking under the radar.

Security Issues

First up, there's the glaring issue of security. When employees use unauthorized tools, they bypass your security protocols, leaving sensitive data exposed to cyber threats. Imagine your team unknowingly transferring critical files through an unencrypted app or storing confidential information on a public cloud service. That’s a field day for hackers and a nightmare for your compliance team.

Compliance Challenges

Then there’s the problem of compliance. Shadow IT often flies in the face of regulatory requirements. Think GDPR, HIPAA, or whatever alphabet soup your industry has to abide by. Unauthorized tools typically don’t meet these stringent standards, which can lead to hefty fines and a PR disaster if data gets compromised.

Fragmented IT Environment

But it’s not just about security and compliance — shadow IT also creates a fragmented IT environment. When every department uses a different tool, you end up with data silos, inconsistent processes, and a serious lack of integration. This chaos can lead to inefficiencies, wasted resources, and lots of frustration when systems don’t play well together.

an image depicting a fragmented IT environment

Financial Ramifications

Finally, there’s the financial aspect. Untracked and unapproved software can lead to surprise costs, from data breaches to unexpected subscription renewals. In the end, the drawbacks of shadow IT are far-reaching, impacting your organization’s security, compliance, efficiency, and budget — all in one stealthy swoop.

What Are the Risks of Shadow IT?

Shadow IT introduces a host of risks that can turn a seemingly small act of digital rebellion into a major organizational headache. When employees use unapproved apps, tools, or services, they create a breeding ground for security vulnerabilities, data breaches, and compliance violations.

Data Breaches

At the top of the list is the risk of data exposure. Shadow IT tools often lack the robust security measures required by enterprise standards. This means sensitive information — from customer data to proprietary company secrets — could be floating around in apps with weak or non-existent encryption. One wrong move, like sharing a link to an unsecured cloud storage folder, could lead to a data breach that exposes the organization to financial and reputational damage.

Compliance Penalties

Then there’s the compliance risk. Many industries are governed by strict regulations around data management and privacy. Shadow IT often sidesteps these regulations, leaving the organization exposed to potential audits, fines, or legal action. For example, using a messaging app that doesn’t comply with GDPR could mean significant penalties if data is mishandled.

Operational Inefficiency

Operational inefficiency is another risk. When different departments use different tools, it creates data silos, reduces collaboration, and makes it challenging to maintain consistent workflows. Add in the hidden costs of redundant software licenses and surprise expenses, and the financial impact becomes clear.

Ultimately, shadow IT’s biggest risk is the unknown. You can't protect what you don't see, and in the shadows, those risks can grow unchecked, potentially leading to costly and damaging consequences.

Mitigate Shadow IT With Lumos

Shadow IT isn’t going away; it’s the new reality of our fast-paced, tech-driven world. But ignoring it is not an option. From data breaches to compliance nightmares and operational inefficiencies, the risks are real — and they’re growing in the dark corners of your organization. The good news? You don’t have to play defense forever. With the right strategy and tools, you can turn the tables on shadow IT, gaining visibility and control while empowering your teams with secure, approved solutions.

Ready to shed some light on shadow IT in your organization? Book a demo with Lumos today, and see how our platform can help you uncover hidden risks, streamline your software landscape, and enhance your security posture — all while keeping your team agile and innovative. Let’s bring everything out of the shadows and into a secure, manageable future.