The number one step for women to succeed in tech is to be your authentic self.
The first aspect of measuring ROI is having a SaaS Management tool that identifies all tools in your stack and how to utilize them.
When I think about what we're spending, I also have to think about how exactly are we managing it.
When it comes to the backbone of your digital world, how would you fix it up?
As an IT leader, you’re constantly trying to stretch every 15 cents into a dollar while simultaneously defending your budget. With the exception of security, it seems like anything and everything in your budget can end up on the chopping block, leaving you with significantly less than the 15 cents you fought for last year.
You confidently present your findings to the CFO and then are hit with, “But how can we further reduce SaaS costs”?
Looks like we couldn’t find anything for [insert keyword]. Did you mean something else? Or maybe we’re just overdue for a search party. 😉 Try tweaking your search!